Ikon Institute
IKON is an international organization which is dedicated to teaching, research and innovative practice in areas which are of immense and immediate concern in the contemporary world. Ikon's activities can be referred to as 'Visionary Practice which is informed by Visionary Intelligence both of which are shaped by cutting edge transpersonal work and consciousness research and technologies'.
SOTEMS (Spirit Of The Earth Medicine Society)
SOTEMS is a community organisation, which offers you the opportunity to participate in a great experiment. It involves creating: an Australian spirituality, a healing community, new kinds of effective human relationships, new pathways for personal/spiritual fulfilment, new learning experiences in the healing arts/theatre/community building, and drawing together the healing knowledge and practices of all cultures.
Australian College of Energetic Medicine (ACEM)
ACEM's aim is to help you rediscover your true self through the application and learning of natural therapies. Their focus is the application, promotion and development of energetic medicine.
Grof - Holotropic Breathwork
Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world. The name Holotropic means literally "moving toward wholeness"
Institut Belge de Kinésiologie
l’Institut a traduit et publié plus d’une centaine de manuels de cours de kinésiologie, ce qui a favorisé l’extension de la kinésiologie en Belgique et dans le monde francophone. L’IBK organise aussi des conférences et d’autres stages de kinésiologie ou dans d’autres domaines tels que la réflexologie plantaire. Il a également pour but d’élargir les formations professionnelles possibles.
Mount Warning Kinesiology
Website of Hugo Tobar the founder of Neural Systems Kinesiology and a cofounder of Energetic kinesiology (Neuro Energetic kinesiology in Germany). Hugo runs his clinical practise in Murwillumbah NSW, 20 minutes from the Gold Coast Airport at Coolangatta. The site also offers information about his courses and programs worldwide.